Friday, July 1, 2011

Mold In The Classroom

Here are some pictures of the “MOLD” growing in the classrooms. This mold grows on the carpet, furniture and ceilings. This is nasty, toxic stuff. Mr. Pratt is aware of the mold, but does nothing to stop it.

This mold is covering everything in the rooms, it’s covering the carpet the kids sit, walk and play on in some elementary classrooms. It’s covering the upholstery of the office furniture in the classrooms and in the rooms where breakfast and lunch are served. It’s covering the ceiling tiles in the rooms. Some try to play it off as dust, it’s mold, nothing but mold. This stuff is endangering the lives of teachers, children and maintenance workers. Michael Pratt just continues to to make excuses, tries to cover it up and double talk it away until he can leave the room.
Rocky Mount Preparatory School

mold growing around a teachers desk
Rocky Mount Prep

The picture above is of the mold growing in the carpet in a classroom where our children sit for almost 8 hours a day while this stuff is growing. Our children are breathing the spores that cause by this mold.

The picture above is of the mold growing on a chair in a room that doesn’t have carpet. So the argument that the mold only grows in classrooms with carpet is wrong this chair is sitting in a room that, as you can see has a tile floor.

mold growing on the carpet

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Rocky Mount Preparatory School

RM Prep headmaster fires middle school principal

By Jim Holt

Rocky Mount Telegram

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Tears and passionate testimonies of more than 40 teachers, parents and students filled the lecture room at Rocky Mount Preparatory School on Friday morning. They gathered to voice concern over the headmaster’s termination of a middle school principal Wednesday.

Those that had gathered were there to protest what they saw as the unreasonable firing of Whitney Hux, principal of the middle school for seven years.

Hux said that after having been called to Rocky Mount Headmaster Michael Pratt’s office Wednesday, she was fired on grounds of disloyalty and insubordination to the headmaster. She felt it was retaliation for her reaction to Pratt not notifying faculty and staff about the school’s Title 1 restructuring until last March.

“(Pratt) just sat there and looked at me, that was his stance,” Hux said.

Hux said she was given 20 minutes to pack her things and vacate Rocky Mount Preparatory.

Pratt started off Friday’s meeting by saying he was there to listen to the concerns of those who had gathered and that he would take all of their comments very seriously.

“Just remember that I am not able to make any comment regarding any personnel matters,” he said.

After multiple members of the middle school faculty and staff stood in the front of the room, Chris Lee, a sixth-grade English teacher, read a letter written on behalf of the faculty.

For one of the only state-qualified principals serving at the school and one that oversaw extensive improvements in student end-of-grade testing scores, Lee said the faculty felt the success of the middle school was attributed to Hux.

“When we learned that she had been fired, we felt as though we had been kicked in the stomach,” Lee said. “We face the upcoming school year in a state of confusion, …What have we done wrong? Are we going to be fired, too?”

After an hour of comments from teachers, parents and students, Pratt wrapped up the meeting by saying he would be in his office all summer long, and that he would answer any questions that he could answer.

“I will welcome your solicitation, your input, anything you want to share with me on this manner or any manner regarding your child’s education, and I would encourage you to do that.”

After his closing remarks, Nanette Hunter, a math teacher and one of the organizers of the meeting, said everything that was said during the meeting went over Pratt’s head, and he didn’t “hear us.”

“You heard nothing that we said, you just stood there and looked like you were listening,” Hunter said to Pratt. “I’m going to tell you, personally, I’m not afraid of any man that walks the green earth. I’m not afraid of losing my job.”

Jerome Mazingo, a parent and school volunteer, said Pratt was not listening to the parents, and that after repeated phone calls to the Rocky Mount Prep Board of Trustees to attend, none of them did.

Hunter said Robert Mauldin, chairman of the board of trustees, told the teachers to “Man up, and stop causing confusion.”

Mazingo said the next step is to gather signatures and deliver a letter of grievance to the board of trustees.

Hux, like Hunter and teachers Chiara Staton and Brenda Taylor said the school was being run like a dictatorship. Taylor said not all of the teachers who were upset about the firing showed up to the meeting for fear of being fired.

“We don’t want to lose our jobs,” teacher Latasha Peters said.

Many parents said that after the loss of Hux, they seriously were considering pulling their children out of Rocky Mount Preparatory.

In a telephone interview, Pratt said, “We’re building a great school with parents, teachers and students.”

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Pratt’s Priorities…Education or Personal Recognition????

Submitted by another concern… on Fri, 07/02/2010 – 08:09.

Most of the faculty and staff at RMPS have not even had a cost of living increase in the past 3 years. Many of these people have actually had to take pay CUTS, leaving them without enough income to cover basic expenses. There are classes that do not have textbooks…and yet somehow Mr. Pratt has found the financial resources to fund a renovation to the school’s gymnasium as well as a new track and field complex behind the school…to the tune of OVER 100 THOUSAND DOLLARS. This is yet another shining example of how Michael Pratt’s focus is simply on surface appearances and not on educating students. I’m sure all those teachers who can’t pay their car payments or their mortgages will feel all warm and fuzzy inside when they look behind the school and see the construction begin at the end of July. The public will never hear about how this is being built at the expense of students and teachers because Pratt will try to sell this as one more “great contribution” he has made to the school and community. This man’s behavior is offensive.

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Submitted by countryolme2014 on Sun, 06/27/2010 – 02:22.

-Mr.Pratt u are the reason parents are making us as the students leave RMPS…What will Prep be without Mrs.Hux?? Your just worrying about money u dont care about us students!!

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Just got home and figured I’d check on the Rock …..

Submitted by Phil on Mon, 06/14/2010 – 22:34.

They should have fired GK Butterfield …… for being pretty much useless as well. SAVE YOUR CITY AND VOTE OUT GK !!!!! Your electric bills will be $800 a month because of him and Cap and Trade !!!!!

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Why did Mr. Pratt have a police officer present…

Submitted by another concern… on Mon, 06/14/2010 – 22:11.

at a meeting he scheduled with schoolteachers and middle school parents? I was told that he also had a police officer present (standing outside the door) at the April meeting of the school board, when there were fewer than 10 people present besides the board members and the principals. Regardless of whether the officer was paid by the City of Rocky Mount or paid by Mr. Pratt with school funds, it was a waste of public dollars. One has to ask what he is afraid of… and why he appears to feel so threatened by a group of teachers and parents. If I were in his position and felt the need to have protection from the school community, I would be seriously considering another career…and I would be embarrased to look those teachers and parents in the eye.

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Submitted by bubba1 on Mon, 06/14/2010 – 17:07.

THIS IS SOMEONE THAT THE PEOPLE INVOLVED WITH THIS SCHOOL MAY WANT TO CONTACT. He is no longer a judge. He is now the District Attorney for Nash/Edgecombe/Wilson counties. I found this on the Nash Health Care web site. If Mr Evans is no longer involved with this school, it still will not hurt to contact him. Again make sure to read the last sentence.*********************************************************************** Judge Robert Evans has an extensive career created from his desire to serve the community. After earning his bachelor’s degree from UNC-Chapel Hill and his Juris Doctor degree from the University of Pennsylvania, Evans practiced law in a private practice for 22 years before becoming District Court Judge in 1999. He has served on the UNC Board of Visitors and the UNC Alumni Association Board of Directors. He was the chairman of the Rocky Mount Zoning Board of Adjustment and the 1993 Board Chairman of the Rocky Mount Area Chamber of Commerce. In addition to his judicial duties, he also serves as a member of the YMCA board and as a trustee of Rocky Mount Preparatory School.

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Submitted by oh my on Mon, 06/14/2010 – 13:14.

Would like to see a background check done on Mr.Pratt. The comment allegedly made my Mr. Mauldin does not sound like something he would say. Could we the public see Mr. Pratt’s credentials please?

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lets see credentials please

Submitted by marym on Mon, 06/14/2010 – 18:21.

Parents should ask to see the credentials of all the teachers who tought an EOC or EOG course at RMPS for the school year 2009-2010. Parents, its our right. Parents if your child didn’t pass the EOC or EOG you might want to ask Mr. Pratt and the board why these teachers are still teaching in the classroom. More weight must be placed on the highschool classroom. These students are working on highschool credit that the state says they have to have to graduate. In the elementary school, we don’t have the credits to worry about. If your child didn’t pass the EOC, your child is going to have a hard time switching schools and staying in his/her class. Just don’t forget in the state of NC, students have to have all those EOC’s to graduate from highschool. Your childs failure may just be the fault of the teacher in the classroom not being educated enough to educate your child.


Mr. Pratts former job

Submitted by readyforchangeinRM on Mon, 06/14/2010 – 00:18.

Mr.Pratt worked as the Director of Development at Brookgreen Gardens in Pawley’s Island, SC prior to becoming the Headmaster at Rocky Mount Prep. My daughter attended the first year he was here and we had difficulty talking with board members even then. I had to do some investigating and find out who they were and contact them personally. He always wanted to let you know exactly who was in charge. I found this quote by Mr. Pratt that he made during the time he worked at Brookgreen Gardens…it lets you know that he is not here to be anyone’s friend.I do understand that in his position he can not be every persons friend, but respect for the people who support you will go a long way. “Friends can be a tremendous asset to your work. However, when bringing them on board (or however they get there), it is essential to establish guidelines governing your relationship immediately – first day is preferable. Business is business. You have the advantage of sharing with them that you are responsible to some one else, perhaps your superior or a board, and friendships can not side track you. I have had very close people work with me, and the best thing I have ever done is to set the parameters early. I learned to do this based on experience.”Michael Pratt, Director of Development, Brookgreen Garden, Pawleys Island, S.C. We transfered our daughter then because of his disrespect for parents…we did however, have some great teachers that she still refers to today. I hope that Mrs. Hux will find an even better position working alongside someone who respects her and treats her the way she deserves to be treated.

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Why was a “career educator” the “director of development”?

Submitted by another concern… on Mon, 06/14/2010 – 08:13.

One has to wonder why the School Board of RMPS hired someone to be “Headmaster” from a museum. I did a search for Brookgreen Gardens and on their website it says that they are a “nonprofit garden museum”. If Mr. Pratt is truly the “career educator” that he states he is, why was he not leading a school and instead working at a museum whose mission is “to preserve the native flora and fauna and display objects of art within that natural setting”? Something just doesn’t sound right. Also, didn’t a prominant local surgeon and a well-respected judge resign from sitting on the RMPS board a couple of years ago? Was it ever made public why they resigned?

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Set the record Straight

Submitted by Psychologyscrazione on Sun, 06/13/2010 – 20:33.

As a person that participated in the events that occurred on Friday, I feel ashamed of those who work at the Prep and are belittling our actions. This is not about Mr. Pratt Staff!! This is about what is right and what is wrong. My issue is this, do not hide behind these words on the computer, because when you walk middle school hallways, you all see the hard work that we are doing. We WORK hard and we do our jobs VERY well. You all are entitled to your opinion, however, have the respect to come to us and not put this one this site. Personally, this matter does not concern personal feelings for Mr. Pratt. This is about the unjust way that this matter accurred. I dont know about you all that are not in fear of your jobs, but the contract clearly states we can be dismissed AT ANY TIME!! So unless you are doing unethical things to keep your job, then you are in denger too. I love RMPS and care for those students deeply. I will not, however, stand here and allow fellow Prep staff insult us. We stood up for what was right and if parents did not believe it, then they would not have attended. “THEY CAME FIRST for the Communists, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Communist. THEN THEY CAME for the trade unionists, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a trade unionist. THEN THEY CAME for the Jews, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Jew. THEN THEY CAME for me and by that time no one was left to speak up.” When it is your turn because of the way you feel about OUR actions, we will not speak up for you!!!

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A Call For A Full Investigation

Submitted by Reign on Sun, 06/13/2010 – 16:40.

Monday morning, contact must be made to the following agencies, but not limited to: the United State Board of Education Attorney’s Division, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) in Raleigh, DPI, as well as the Federal Government Reporting Agency. ALL CHARGES, (this includes, teacher’s salaries, and why some are paid more than others when they have no certification or a college degree), ALL need to be investigated fully and dealt with appropriately. The truth will prevail after all the cards are on the table not allowing disputes to be continuously swept under the rug. At this point, it isn’t just about Ms. Hux, it’s about justice for all. Her firing just seems to be the straw that broke the camel’s back.

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A Call For A Full Investigation

Submitted by Reign on Sun, 06/13/2010 – 16:41.

Monday morning, contact must be made to the following agencies, but not limited to: the United State Board of Education Attorney’s Division, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) in Raleigh, DPI, as well as the Federal Government Reporting Agency. ALL CHARGES, (this includes, teacher’s salaries, and why some are paid more than others when they have no certification or a college degree), ALL need to be investigated fully and dealt with appropriately. The truth will prevail after all the cards are on the table not allowing disputes to be continuously swept under the rug. At this point, it isn’t just about Ms. Hux, it’s about justice for all. Her firing just seems to be the straw that broke the camel’s back.

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Submitted by Last Truth on Sun, 06/13/2010 – 14:15.

It is really very simple….if all was really sooo bad… then why have we not heard about these Pratt/Prep difficulties until now….or maybe Hux was covering for each and every one of you who now cry “foul” If he is that awful to work under then why are those of you who continue to moan and groan still working there…go get a job somewhere else….take your children to other schools…plenty to choose from. There are many very good qualified teachers who could replace each and every one of you instantly…YOU HAVE A CHOICE….

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Amen, Sister (or Brother)

Submitted by An RMPS Teacher on Sun, 06/13/2010 – 19:11.

Everything you’ve said is so true! Michael Pratt is honorable and I don’t always agree with him but I always respect him. I have a choice of where I work–and I am PROUD to work at PREP. At least I was until I saw the true colors of a few of my colleagues. If they are so miserable, they should go elsewhere. I am sure others would see the school as I do: a safe place with great students and an opportunity to make a difference in their lives.

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Veiled threats to faculty

Submitted by another concern… on Mon, 06/14/2010 – 08:46.

Maybe the person who posted this message does not have to worry about taking care of a family, but most of the teachers at Prep do. With the economy the way it is, most people don’t have the luxury of just leaving a job. Teaching positions are not plentiful and cuts to the education budgets of surrounding districts have resulted in there being even fewer positions available. Don’t forget that Rocky Mount is one of the 10 most impoverished areas of the country, largly because there are so many people who are unemployed and so few positions available. This is why many teachers became even more afraid to address their concerns after Mr.Pratt told the entire faculty at a meeting last June that he would not tolerate any individual who was not “on board” with him and his decisions. Mr. Pratt knows that he has these teachers over a barrell, which is probably why he did not issue contracts to them until last Wednesday- and when he did he inserted a clause that pretty much states that he can fire them at will. He was well aware that he could cut the pay of anyone he wished to cut and that they would not have much of a recourse because most districts began hiring and filling vacant teaching positions for the upcoming school year months ago. The teachers didn’t have much of a choice BUT to accept his conditions, regardless of what they were. So “An RMPS Teacher”, do you REALLY have a choice of where you work? Can you afford moving expenses if you needed to relocate to find a job?

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Go Mrs.Hunter!

Submitted by Desigirl on Sat, 06/12/2010 – 21:43.

Mrs.Hunter is so right! Mrs.Hux was such a great principal. She always knew how to take care of situations. I would know because I am in the middle school at RMPS. Even though I have never been sent to the principal’s office, based upon student’s behavior after they leave her office she knows how to take care of student situations without having to get the student mad.

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I wonder if the “extremely

Submitted by lenny on Sun, 06/13/2010 – 00:59.

I wonder if the “extremely valuable and highly qualified member of the central office” was the same one who helped Pratt cover up that the school was supposed to be planning for restructuring? If so, this writer should be ashamed…and the parents and students should be applauding Mrs. Hux for one more thing because when this person left it was TRULY a good riddance. It’s also one more reason for the board, parents, students, and the community to DEMAND an investigation of the school by the State.

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“It seems to me that the

Submitted by sirelfman on Sun, 06/13/2010 – 01:19.

“It seems to me that the teachers of the middle school, who have consistently turned in some of the worst EOG scores in the state”

Worst in the state??? Prep’s middle school scores are even the worst in this area! The majority of Prep’s students come from Nash, Edgecombe and Halifax counties. After looking at the district scores for these counties, two of the three scored lowered than Prep’s middle school IN ALL SIX CATEGORIES (6th read, 6th math, 7th read, 7th math, 8th read, 8th math). As for the third county, Prep was higher in 3 out of the 6, as well overall reading. Since these four groups (Nash, Edgecombe, Halifax, Prep) are all teaching kids that live in similar areas, this is a true apples to apples comparsion. You can go to yourself and see the results.

Yes, Prep middle score grades are below the state average, but so are the scores for the elementary and high divisions. So, if we are comparing test scores to the state average to determine the effectiveness of the administrator, the entire administration should be dismissed also. But test scores aren’t the end-all and be-all of the condition of the school. All three divisions do a good job of teaching their students. All these people are asking for is some legitimate justification for the dismissal of a highly qualified and effective administrator.

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Wake up Brat

Submitted by FordTruckGuy32 on Sat, 06/12/2010 – 21:21.

You must be numerically challenged. The test scores in the middle school have been consistently increasing. Go to and find the scores for Rocky Mount Prep. There is a reason parents bring the students to Prep, it is for the middle school’s stability which other area schools are lacking. You don’t see charter schools in areas where the public schools are succeeding! Check out the scores and just wait until this year’s EOG scores are posted. That’ll wake you up Brat! The data speaks louder than your angry words. I don’t know where you get off saying that the middle school has been posting some of the lowest scores in the state! Last time I checked North Carolina wasn’t excelling compared to other states in this country! This middle school pushes the kids beyond what the state considers “adequate”. This middle school has some of the most caring and dedicating teachers I have ever seen. They work long hours and for well below the state’s pay scale. They stay after school without compensation to help their students succeed. If anyone wants to see credentials of these teachers, email or call them. I’m sure they’d be willing to show you that information. The middle school at Prep is probably the best in all of Nash County! As for this “extremely valuable and highly qualified” member of the central office’s departure, it obviously is irrelevant to this overall conversation since they were not in the middle school nor were they responsible for the achievement of the middle school students. What are the credentials on this highly qualified member of the central office? Brat, parents are upset because the school that they send their children for a quality education was achieving in educating their students under the tenure of Whitney Hux and this is being taken away from their children! Without any answers or reasons other than “it is a personnel matter.” Parents want to know if they can trust that the school will still deliver a quality education to their students. Will these caring teachers who helped their child love learning and thrive academically still be in the middle school hallway this fall? This is a public institution that is being privatized and that is not right. There’s a need for better communication and transparency for the parents and the teachers! As a tax payer in this county, I want to know what is going on in these schools. It is also very sad that these teachers have to teach in fear based on some of these posts.

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Read Below.

Submitted by Another Caring … on Sat, 06/12/2010 – 20:28.

As stated, we should all be mindful of the children and take a step back and pray.

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Excuse me, but after reading

Submitted by Prep Grad 2010 on Sat, 06/12/2010 – 21:16.

Excuse me, but after reading some of the posts up here, some don’t even know what they’re talking about. As one of his students this year, I can tell you that Mr. Pratt is exceptionally qualified (and has the credentials) to both teach and be a headmaster, and he’s wonderful at both. I am proud to have graduated under him as one of his students.

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Submitted by countryolme2014 on Sun, 06/27/2010 – 02:35.


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Poor Prep Grad! Sometimes

Submitted by lenny on Sun, 06/13/2010 – 01:21.

Poor Prep Grad! Sometimes students just “fall through the cracks”, and from your statements it looks like you were one of them. If Mr. Pratt has the credentials and licenses that he requires of his teachers (at least some of them)he should have no problem sharing them with the public. Aren’t schools supposed to make this information available to the public anyway? So don’t fret young person! He can clear this up if he wants to.

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Oh lenny, lenny…

Submitted by Prep Grad 2010 on Mon, 06/14/2010 – 09:45.

I assure you, if I have “fallen through the cracks”, I have clawed my way back through said chasm and I’m ok :) Thanks for asking. The real question is: Why would someone such as yourself feel the need to see a Headmaster’s credentials? I’m positive that if you were brave enough to go and ask Mr. Pratt about his credentials and licenses, he would not lie to you. However, if you are only questioning his credentials now, when one of his employees has done some things unprofessionally and has suffered the consequences for it, then your own motives must be unique. Mrs. Hux did not do something that was expected of her, and she is responsible for that. Her ALONE.

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Submitted by Another Caring … on Sat, 06/12/2010 – 21:56.

Which is why I said we ALL, myself included, should take a step back and either listen to one another or chill out and pray. Seriously. You, nor I, or others really know what happened in that room to be honest. You just proved my point for me. Thanks. The problem I think some of them have is that they don’t know. Which is a dichotomy within itself because, as a parent, I believe they have a right to know and they have a right to be concerned being that their children attend the school. So what’s also going is although we may disagree with what’s being said, who said what, what’s going on… we all have the right to speak.

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Stronger, focused, motivated –

Submitted by Understanding b… on Sat, 06/12/2010 – 19:53.

I truly believe it all boils down to a true concern for RMPS. Not just for Mrs. Hux, but for the teachers, students, future students, and yes even Mr. Pratt. We are concerned about how our teachers are treated at schools, because a mistreated teacher breeds an unhealthy classroom. How can a teacher be effective if they have fear of losing their jobs? With the economy the way it currently is, we all should be able to see where this fear stems from. RMPS as a whole is a wonderful place for our children, because we have teachers, (just like these that stood up for Mrs. Hux), standing up for our youth every day.

Many may feel that this matter was handled incorrectly; you have a right to your opinion. But I believe the teachers also had a right to voice their opinions, as well as the parents, whose children walk those very halls throughout the year. This event is not the breaking down of a school, but it is the building up of a school. How? Well, I’m glad you asked. If you have teachers, such as these, who will go above and beyond to right what seems to be a wrong, just think about how they will go above and beyond for your child. We all look at the negative side of this story, but there is hope within each line, as well as within the comments made. The hope is that RMPS will be the school we all desire for it to be, and in order for that to be so, there must be a spring cleaning so to speak. Just like with our families at home, before a family can move past an issue, the issue MUST be discussed and worked out. Communication builds strong relationships. Without communication the body dies.

So instead of being angry that this article was written, how about we all do the one thing that is truly needful, pray. Pray for our leadership at RMPS, pray for the teachers as they educate the minds of our youth, pray for the parents who trust us to protect and nurture their little ones, and especially pray for the students, the ones who are scared right now by the dismissal of their principal, the ones who will be coming into the middle school, and also for the entire student body as a whole. Unfortunately when things are swept under the rug, eventually everyone can see the lump underneath, and an uncovering must take place. So while this transpires, let us all pray together as a unit, that when school begins in August, we will come back stronger, focused, motivated, and ready to propel our young people to success. Isn’t that really all that matters?

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What is done in the dark, God

Submitted by Truth Prevails on Sat, 06/12/2010 – 20:23.

What is done in the dark, God truly will bring it to light!! Well said and now the situation is in God’s hand for Truth to Prevail.

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Submitted by Reign on Sat, 06/12/2010 – 20:09.

Well said!

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Rocky Mount Prep

Submitted by newsreader2 on Sat, 06/12/2010 – 19:04.

Is Rocky Mount Prep part of the Nash Rocky Mount School System? If so I did not think it would be that easy to fire an employee. In many cases teachers or principals who are fired are reassigned to other jobs in the school system. Around two years ago the principal of Wilson Hunt was let go and reassigned to a job in the central office allowing him to keep his 100,000 a year salary. This information was in the Wilson Daily Times by the way.

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Not part of Nash-Rocky Mount

Submitted by An RMPS Teacher on Sun, 06/13/2010 – 00:50.

I think it’s important to point out that ALL faculty and staff at Prep have ONE-YEAR contracts. At renewal time, the school is not obligated to renew ANYONE’S contract. Again, this is a personnel matter. Mrs. Hux’s contract expired, like all our contracts did, and she wasn’t renewed. Maybe she was asked to leave quickly for fear that something like this might happen? All this negativity erases ALL the hard work we’ve all done to make Prep a safe and caring place. Please, let’s end it here.

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She was told she was fired

Submitted by billclinton on Sun, 06/13/2010 – 09:09.

RMPS Teacher, it seems you are mis-guided in this matter. Mrs. Hux was fired for not being loyal to Mr. Michael Pratt. This was done with board member William C. Roeder present. No facutly or staff member should have to pledge to be loyal to Mr. Michael Pratt. The Faculty and staff should be loyal to the organization, parents and students they serve. Licensed teachers have a code of ethics in the state of NC to follow, you can look that up, please do. When someone points out funds aren’t being spent correctly, teachers are being ask to do things they shouldn’t be ask to do, when a person like Mrs. Hux points these things out and ask questions, this is what Mr. Michael Pratt finds disloyal. It is these kinds of things he finds disloyal. Mrs Hux questioned why non-licensed white male teachers(if they aren’t licensed, they aren’t teachers) are being payed more than licensed african-american female teachers. She questioned why all male teachers were being paid more than female teachers holding higher education degree’s. She questioned why Mr. Michael Pratt was spending SO MUCH TIME on football, but yet never once discussed EOG or EOC scores or how to improve them. Not sure if anybody has looked it up yet, charter schools are graded just like regular public schools when it comes to EOG and EOC scores.

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Sad day for the middle school

Submitted by Krafty1 on Sat, 06/12/2010 – 17:39.

I am a parent of a RMPS middle school student. I sat in that meeting and listened to all that was said. The facts of her achievements with middle school performance, the passion of the teachers for their teamwork and the concern of the parents was all very evident. What was also evident was that Mr. Pratt held this meeting to pacify – he didn’t care what was said, he just stood there all alone in defiance of the testimony. Why was he alone? Because no one on the board of trustees bothered to be there. The trustees only hear what Mr. Pratt wants them to hear. There’s a phone number on the website for Mr. Maudlin – it is disconnected. Access to the board is almost impossible. Mr. Pratt controls what the board knows, they believe only him, and they don’t have a clue.

This was not a personnel issue, this was a personal issue – Mrs. Hux was fired for disloyalty and insubordination to the headmaster. What? I don’t want my principals and faculty loyal to the headmaster – they need to be loyal to the school and to the students’ education. It is not insubordination to take a stand for what is right on behalf of students and staff – that is her job, to represent them and protect them, so then, she was fired for doing her job. She was fired for not being a willing participant in supporting Mr. Pratt’s inadequacies, mistakes and deceptions.

I applaud the teachers that have taken a stand – too long have they watched their peers be fired for a difference of opinion with the headmaster and too long have they lived in fear of their jobs. They took a great risk Friday, and I worry for the safety of their jobs. This wave of outrage is not sudden – it has been building, and this injustice to Mrs. Hux is the final straw.

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I’m offended that this is even NEWS

Submitted by An RMPS Teacher on Sat, 06/12/2010 – 17:31.

Since when is the firing of an employee NEWS? And who are these people who keep making comments when they know nothing about the WHOLE story? I work at RMPS, and I don’t know the entire story–only Mr. Pratt and Ms. Hux do. Frankly, I’m a little embarrassed to think that the people I consider colleagues are unprofessional enough to contact parents and the newspaper in the first place. How is this bad press helping OUR CHILDREN? Ms. Hux is a nice person, that is for sure. But was she a good principal? Perhaps she wasn’t. We don’t know, because we aren’t privy to the information Mr. Pratt used to evaluate her as a principal. It is a PRIVATE matter, people, NOT NEWS. I’m ashamed of the Telegram for blowing this so far out of proportion. I’m ashamed of the teachers at Prep for forgetting that above all, we need to act professionally for the sake of OUR children. I’m ashamed of Ms. Hux for not saying “NO COMMENT” when the Telegram called her. Mr. Pratt has the school’s best interest at heart; of that, I am certain. Perhaps others should get to know him AND all the details before they judge.

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It’s a shame…

Submitted by erin b on Sat, 06/12/2010 – 19:29.

that the author of this post wasn’t around to protect her colleagues from the editor of the school’s yearbook when she was unprofessional enough to put their pictures on a “special” page along with the comment that they “refused to comply” with a request from the administration for a picture. Yet another situation at the school when “no comment” may have been more appropriate…

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Yes, it is a shame. It’s a

Submitted by Prep Grad 2010 on Mon, 06/14/2010 – 09:30.

Yes, it is a shame. It’s a shame that certain teachers in the elementary department of our school feel the need to hide under a pseudonym and whine about why their picture wasn’t in the yearbook.

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Submitted by An RMPS Teacher on Sun, 06/13/2010 – 00:57.

What does this subject (or my comments) have to do with the yearbook?

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However, it was expected of

Submitted by Prep Grad 2010 on Sat, 06/12/2010 – 21:43.

However, it was expected of all staff and personnel to submit their pictures. I just looked in my 2009/2010 yearbook, and apparently, ALL staff and personnel were asked to submit their respective pictures. If they did not, that is not the editor of the yearbook’s problem. They did their job, and I’m proud of them!

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Prep/Pratt Advocate

Submitted by Prep Grad 2010 on Sat, 06/12/2010 – 16:20.

WOW! I’ve been reading a lot of the comments that various teachers, parents, and others have been posting, and I have to tell you, you have no idea what you’re saying. I am a 2010 RMPS graduate, and I have attended Prep since the 6th grade. Mr. Pratt has been SLANDERED because of people who have no idea what actually went on, and the only thing they know is what others are saying. There are a great deal of absolutely wonderful things at Prep, including teachers, improvements, and yes, the Headmaster. Teachers, I’m very disappointed in most of you. You all know that Mr. Pratt has been responsible for a lot of excellent improvements at our school, and I honestly think all of you would be lost without him in charge. He has always looked out for our school, students, and faculty, and I know that he has always had our very best interest at heart. Mr. Pratt, you have my wholehearted support!

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Lost without God

Submitted by Truth Prevails on Sat, 06/12/2010 – 20:30.

Prep Grad, when a person have lack of knowledge they perish. I do not want you to perish. Therefore a person is only lost if they do not know the Lord as their Savior!! So RMPS will not be lost without Pratt.

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when a person have?

Submitted by middleschoolbrat on Mon, 06/14/2010 – 11:02.

Did you perhaps mean, “When a person HAS…”? No doubt you are a teacher in the middle school and don’t understand the principle of Subject-Verb agreement. Another shining example of the excellence in Rocky Mount Prep’s middle school faculty! Thanks for making my point. My kids, ages 13 and 10, will never go to RMPS, not because of the firing of Hux, but because of the poor hiring decisions that have been made in the middle school.

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Hiring practice

Submitted by marym on Mon, 06/14/2010 – 17:58.

Mr. Pratt does 99% of the hiring good and bad, license or no license. Buck stops with him. He hires for all the grade levels. Don’t be picking on the folks Mr. Pratt hires. You were probably one of them. And per your contract, if you are an employee (you need to read it), he can fire you for anything he feels like.


Typical Error

Submitted by Psychologyscrazione on Mon, 06/14/2010 – 17:45.

Middleschoolbrat, Let us not stray away from the true focus of what the bigger picture is? There is no need to make personal attacks on the person that posted that message. There are great and well educated members of the middle school. However, just like you, EVERYONE makes writing errors. Many of the employees have come from prominent educational backgrounds. However, you are entitled to your opinion and also the option to not send your children to the prep. However, do unto others as you would want done unto yourself. You would not want anyone to attack your character for a simple grammatical error. Be nice!! By the way, if there are any errors found in this message,let me be the first to apologize, Lol!

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You may believe that “RMPS

Submitted by Prep Grad 2010 on Sat, 06/12/2010 – 21:55.

You may believe that “RMPS will not be lost without Pratt”, but it will not be lost without Hux either. No one has compared Pratt to a savior, so stop bringing religion into a school matter.

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Somewhat Agree

Submitted by Another Caring … on Sat, 06/12/2010 – 18:31.

As much as you come down on the teachers and parents for their rightful concern, saying they don’t know EVERY detail, you don’t either. For that matter, I don’t either. Which is why FREE SPEECH is important and giving ones opinion should not be looked down on.

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Firing of RMPS Principal

Submitted by JaiMom23 on Sat, 06/12/2010 – 15:44.

This situation saddens me. As a parent of a Middle School student at RMPS, I have had communication with Mrs. Hux on various occasions. She was always very compassionate and had the child’s best interest at heart. She was very attentive to our requests and made sure our child was comfortable at RMPS. At the end of the 2009-2010 school year, my child was sad to see the year end and was going to miss her teachers and friends. Now she doesn’t want to go back, if Mrs. Hux isn’t there. What is best for the students at RMPS? That is what needs to be decided. Mrs. Hux was an asset to the school community, and, in my opinion, the best principal out there. As a school, the children are supposed to be the main focus. They are there for an education. As stated in the meeting on Friday, RMPS is a “school of choice.” I chose to put my kids there. I wanted them to get a quality education. I also liked the fact that my children would be on the same campus all the way through the 12th grade. What will this crisis do to the public perception of RMPS? This is going to put the school in a negative light. We are trying to get enrollment to increase; however, because of this situation, many people are threatening to pull their children out. As for the “Board of Trustees”, why aren’t they standing up for the school? Without the students, there is no school. It is not about one man who wants to serve in a position, it is an entire student body, faculty and staff that makes up the school. The Board of Trustees needs to be aware of what is really happening at the school. Teachers need to be compensated properly for the time and effort they put into teaching. They do not need to be afraid to speak up, for fear that they might be fired. They have families of their own. Many of them have children at RMPS. If there’s no school, how will they make it? As a team, there’s no “I”. It’s about what can we do to make RMPS the best it can be? Someone needs to hear the cries from the teachers’ and parents’ hearts. The students also need to be heard. Who will hear our cries? Who will stand up for what is right? Mrs. Whitney Hux, we acknowledge that you were a wonderful principal at RMPS. Because of you, our children were growing into strong students. We will do all that we can, and go through all the appropriate channels, to see that you are reinstated, if that’s according to God’s plan. If not, God will open even better doors for you. You will forever be in our hearts and we love you! Thank you for going above and beyond your job description or paycheck to help my child (and the other Middle School students) at RMPS. We’ve got your back! ~ jcm

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There are bigger problems.

Submitted by sirelfman on Sat, 06/12/2010 – 14:44.

This is not the first time things have been handled in improperly since Mr. Pratt became headmaster. During a summer school session, there was evidence that students were being supplied answers keys for online tests by an staff member. There was very little investigation into the matter, and the person engaged in this unethical behavior was not dismissed. There have also been other numerous instances where working conditions were made quite unbearable for teachers and employees who didn’t “tow the line”. And this is not limited to just teachers. People employed in other capacities who spoke out about unethical behaviors that take place were either let go or forced to quit because of the situations they were required to work in.

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Support for RMPS

Submitted by 2010 grad on Sat, 06/12/2010 – 14:12.

As a student of the 1st ever graduating class who attended K-12 at Rocky Mount Prep, I would like to say that the school is a true asset for our community. Mr. Pratt would not do anything to hurt the school, its students, the employees, or the school’s reputation. Every action taken is an effort to improve the school and provide an environment for quality education for all students, a fact that is not represented in the Telegram article. There are always 3 sides to every story; yours, mine, and the truth! Mr. Pratt has increasingly improved elements of the school, as noted during graduation on Sunday night. Thanks for Mr. Pratt and staff, our graduation ceremony rivals the best in the area, as well as the Graduation Luncheon for seniors and parents. I’m proud to be a 2010 alumna of RMPS and former student, supporter, and friend of Mr. Pratt.

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Calls for an investigation

Submitted by oh my on Sat, 06/12/2010 – 14:09.

I think the parents of RMPS should DEMAND a full investigation of Michael Pratt and the so called “Mystery Board”. The only directors name on the RMPS website is Robert Mauldin. Is Mr. Mauldin the entire board? Parents, don’t let one man alter your childs education. If your child ever needed an advocate it is now!!!! Step up to the plate parents. This is not Mr. Pratts school it is your childs school!!!

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who does the board serve?

Submitted by billclinton on Sat, 06/12/2010 – 11:53.

Just a reminder, RMPS can still be a great place to work and send your children to get educated, but however, Mr. Pratt’s ego is running things now, no reasoning behind the things he does, he just needs to see his name in the newspaper. You can’t mention test scores or student achievement. In a faculty and staff meeting last spring, Mr. Pratt had to advise the staff of the schools failing condition and the states response. Several teachers expressed concern about the situation and ask questions that Mr. Pratt was not prepared to answer. He still hasn’t answered any of the questions that the teachers asked. Morale is very low because many staff members are afraid that the school is facing being shut down and they don’t think Mr. Pratt is telling them the truth about what is going on. The assumption is that you, the Board, are aware of his actions and that he has your blessings, but everyone is afraid to ask for fear of retaliation from M. Pratt. Some teachers have even asked Mr. Pratt for contact information for the board members but he refused to give it to them. They have been told that all communication with the board has to go through him. Most teachers do not know who the board members are because this information is not made available to them. Some parents and teachers have expressed concerns, none have been taken seriously. On more than one occasion the board chair and various members have been made aware of the problems with Mr. Pratt’s untruths and corruption. An example of such untruths is the fact no teachers were to receive raises for the current school year, but it did not stop Mr. Pratt from hiring an assistant for the Mrs. Pratt and Mrs. Pratt being allowed to work 4 days a week while all other salaried employees are expected to work a full week, a staff member employed by North Carolina Wesleyan College, resigned from Wesleyan, came to work at RMPS, resigned from RMPS, went back to work for North Carolina Wesleyan College, and still receives a pay check from RMPS. It’s time for the board and board chair to come down off the mountain, realize Mrs. Hux is not the the real problem here, it’s Mr. Pratt and the fact the board is un-aware of what really happens at the school they are suppose to be serving. This only occurs because the board has been isolated from the parents, faculty, staff and students they are suppose to serve. Being on a board of the local charter school might pad your resume, but if you don’t have the slightest clue how a “public” school runs, who are you really there to serve? Board members, ask yourself who are you really serving? If you are there to serve Mr. Pratt, you might be better stepping back and having a look at the big picture.

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good question…who DOES the board serve?

Submitted by another concern… on Sat, 06/12/2010 – 12:20.

The board really needs to ask themselves if they want their public reputations to be linked to a man with as little integrity as Michael Pratt. Who are they here to serve? Pratt or the parents,students, and teachers who actually make up the school? It would seem like for anyone to be loyal to Pratt they would have to be disloyal to the school community and to basic principles of fairness and justice. Are they really ok with that…or have they been misled by a man who so clearly has an agenda of his own? Mr. Pratt, talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face!
Word of Wisdom

Submitted by Hug0483 on Sat, 06/12/2010 – 11:52.

Mr. Pratt, NEVER volunteer to sit in the Dunking Booth for any of your school functions.

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Who is above the law?

Submitted by Reign on Sat, 06/12/2010 – 10:27.

I’ve worked with Ms. Hux and her students. Three of my own children attended with two graduating under her guidance. Through our interaction I found her to be a compassionate, caring teacher, and a well trained administrator. I know several of the teachers personally at the Prep School. When Mr. Pratt first came to take over as headmaster the complaints started immediately. My first impression was people hate change. I told the teachers that I knew, to deal with it and learn to roll with adapting to new ideas and new leadership, and with time thing would settle down. However, as time moved on the complaints have only escalated and Mr. Pratt seem to dance to his own drum beat. I know that several teachers have asked to meet with board members and they do not comply. Mr. Pratt has told the teachers that it is protocol that he speaks with the board. I’d like to know why the board members ignore the teachers when they serve them, the school and the students. The loyalty should be to the community that the teachers serve, which I do believe Ms. Hux was doing even though she received adverse treatment. Now that the media is involved, it is my hope that the citizens of Rocky Mount will find out the true integrity of the leadership at the Prep School. Without Ms. Hux there is no middle ground, which makes me understand why Mr. Pratt had to release her. For Mr. Pratt her firing was personal and not because of her professional work ethics. Ms. Hux is well educated and certified to do her job. I know that Mr. Pratt has hired teachers who have no certification or degree from any college or university to teach our children, and pay them more than the ones with credentials. Why is this? It’s now time to contact the United State Board of Education Attorney’s Division and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, (EEOC) in Raleigh, so these charges can be investigated properly and dealt with accordingly.

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Word of Wisdom

Submitted by Hug0483 on Sat, 06/12/2010 – 11:52.

Mr. Pratt, NEVER volunteer to sit in the Dunking Booth for any of your school functions.

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Who is above the law?

Submitted by Reign on Sat, 06/12/2010 – 10:27.

I’ve worked with Ms. Hux and her students. Three of my own children attended with two graduating under her guidance. Through our interaction I found her to be a compassionate, caring teacher, and a well trained administrator. I know several of the teachers personally at the Prep School. When Mr. Pratt first came to take over as headmaster the complaints started immediately. My first impression was people hate change. I told the teachers that I knew, to deal with it and learn to roll with adapting to new ideas and new leadership, and with time thing would settle down. However, as time moved on the complaints have only escalated and Mr. Pratt seem to dance to his own drum beat. I know that several teachers have asked to meet with board members and they do not comply. Mr. Pratt has told the teachers that it is protocol that he speaks with the board. I’d like to know why the board members ignore the teachers when they serve them, the school and the students. The loyalty should be to the community that the teachers serve, which I do believe Ms. Hux was doing even though she received adverse treatment. Now that the media is involved, it is my hope that the citizens of Rocky Mount will find out the true integrity of the leadership at the Prep School. Without Ms. Hux there is no middle ground, which makes me understand why Mr. Pratt had to release her. For Mr. Pratt her firing was personal and not because of her professional work ethics. Ms. Hux is well educated and certified to do her job. I know that Mr. Pratt has hired teachers who have no certification or degree from any college or university to teach our children, and pay them more than the ones with credentials. Why is this? It’s now time to contact the United State Board of Education Attorney’s Division and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, (EEOC) in Raleigh, so these charges can be investigated properly and dealt with accordingly.

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Who is above the law?

Submitted by another concern… on Sat, 06/12/2010 – 12:49.

How can people be teaching who don’t have credentials? Didn’t the board fire several teachers a couple of years ago because they weren’t certified? Does Pratt even have teaching or administrative credentials? If not, the question is why would the school board even hired him to start with…and why they allow him to stay in place. It certainly does sound like there needs to be an investigation…a really BIG investigation. This man’s actions exemplifiy what can happen when someone is allowed free reign and goes completely unchecked. Where is DPI? Where is the Office of Charter Schools? Pratt’s actions are really a detriment to charter schools that are trying to make a difference in the communities that they serve.

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Little Napoleon

Submitted by erin b on Sat, 06/12/2010 – 09:55.

I work at Prep and ever since Pratt came here his nickname has been Little Napoleon to the teachers and staff. That’s why so many of us are afraid to speak up and to let our voices be heard…because we’re afraid that we will offend his royal majesty and bruise his ever-so-fragile ego. A Headmaster should be there to serve the parents, faculty, and students- but this guy only serves himself. Kind of like the school board only serves him. The school board allows him to have his little dictatorship because they do not question him or check him. Teachers have actually asked Pratt for contact information for the board members and he has told them that he won’t give it to them. At the last school board meeting the board voted to even have the PTO President made Ex-officio…and told her that she will not be allowed to vote on anything or to be present at their private meetings. So they have effectively silenced the voice of all of the parents at Prep. They call themselves a “self-perpetuating” board, which means that they pick who will serve on it and that there aren’t any elections. So, basically Mr. Mauldin and Pratt have to be sure that you will be their puppet before they will let you “serve”. They really think that they are above the law and any rules other than their own…There was a school board meeting several months ago that several of the faculty attended where Pratt had the board vote on a budget that they had not discussed or seen yet. One of the board members, Mr. Riggins, did say that he did not feel comfortable voting on something until he had reviewed it…but Pratt said that they had to vote in public first and he would answer any questions in Executive Session when all of us left. People who serve on a school board should have some idea of how a public school system is supposed to run, but the members that Pratt has in place are clueless and don’t know the difference between a “1″ and a “4″ on a EOG. Pratt’s self-proclaimed soapbox is that charters should be funded equally to public schools, but he doesn’t want to be accountable to the public for how those funds are used. Everything is secret…everything.

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Another ……..

Submitted by Mikey on Sat, 06/12/2010 – 09:51.

…..negative about Rocky Mount. Run the bum out!! Heil Pratt!!

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Submitted by Another Caring … on Sat, 06/12/2010 – 09:45.

Why is he going to sit on the Board at Wesleyan College? This man, that’s scary.

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Submitted by Another Caring … on Sat, 06/12/2010 – 09:17.

Basically, he fired the principal because of her opinion? The teachers are afraid to voice their opinion in fear of being fired? That’s disgusting. Who would want to work for such a man that never hears you and only hears himself? The best relationships, of any kind, are ones build with open communication and/or dialogue. This man doesn’t seem to know the meaning of either one.

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Prep Headmaster

Submitted by Caring Citizen on Sat, 06/12/2010 – 07:55.

This incident really concerns me as Mr. Pratt will be going onto the Board of Trustees at N C Wesleyan College in the fall. The College does not need trustees that try to limit freedom of speech and try to call it lack of loyalty. This is severe blow to Rocky Mount Prep School, Wesleyan College and the city of Rocky Mount.

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Submitted by Gryphon Mom on Sat, 06/12/2010 – 07:26.

I have only one side of the story, but it doesn’t sound like a very comfortable place to work. I teach school as well and while I do not always agree with the decisions that the administration makes, I have never felt as though I couldn’t express my opinion for fear of losing my job. I hate to think of the after shocks that will be felt from this – for the students as well as the teachers.

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Submitted by RMSKRAM on Sat, 06/12/2010 – 07:09.

Sounds like the guy doesn’t take a little criticism well. I am a teacher at school with a principal that listens. She stands her ground for things, but she will listen and definitely consider anything we say. This guy will not be around RM Prep long. At least listen to the people who make you successful.