Here are some pictures of the “MOLD” growing in the classrooms. This mold grows on the carpet, furniture and ceilings. This is nasty, toxic stuff. Mr. Pratt is aware of the mold, but does nothing to stop it.
This mold is covering everything in the rooms, it’s covering the carpet the kids sit, walk and play on in some elementary classrooms. It’s covering the upholstery of the office furniture in the classrooms and in the rooms where breakfast and lunch are served. It’s covering the ceiling tiles in the rooms. Some try to play it off as dust, it’s mold, nothing but mold. This stuff is endangering the lives of teachers, children and maintenance workers. Michael Pratt just continues to to make excuses, tries to cover it up and double talk it away until he can leave the room.
Rocky Mount Preparatory School
mold growing around a teachers desk
Rocky Mount Prep
The picture above is of the mold growing in the carpet in a classroom where our children sit for almost 8 hours a day while this stuff is growing. Our children are breathing the spores that cause by this mold.
The picture above is of the mold growing on a chair in a room that doesn’t have carpet. So the argument that the mold only grows in classrooms with carpet is wrong this chair is sitting in a room that, as you can see has a tile floor.
mold growing on the carpet